
Day 128

In Uncategorized on January 8, 2011 at 6:29 pm

This day ends my 1st week of January switch up. I did Shred again, level 3. I forced myself as sore as I was, and I’m still soo sore!

  1. What kind of workout is it?

    • oh wait, did you mean which video’s did I do that I hated? I did the crunch pilates, pilates basics, and one that was ok, so I guess I didn’t hate, but it didn’t seem challenging to me at all was Leslie Sansone’s walk away the pounds. 🙂

  2. Hey Carissa, thanks so much for reading, mostly I feel like no one reads this! ha.
    It’s jillian Micheal’s from the biggest loser, she’s one of the trainers, and it’s called 30 day Shred. It’s so hard but only like 26 minutes, so I feel like it’s doable for me. I love it! I’m not into dancy video’s, and she makes the most of every second you spend working out, uses hand weights. She does it in intervals of, cardio, strenght, and abs!

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