
Day 99 -snowshoe!!!!

In Uncategorized on December 9, 2010 at 4:56 am

99 really? I think tomorrow we should have a party because it will be 100 days!!! Do you know what this means? Even if I did get pregnant now, I could STILL exercise everyday (Lord willing) because they baby would be born after my next birthday!

Anyway, yes, today was the day. I fit my snowshoes onto my boots and headed out. I only went on “my” little trail, and came back by way of a deer path by the river, but it was so fun! The snowshoes seem to be great. They are so light at one point I caught one on a stick and thought it fell off! (duh, how could it fall off when it’s strapped on three different ways??) Shayla came with me and loved it. It was only a little annoying because she kept stepping on the backs of my snowshoes! I never knew she followed at my heel so closely.  I really enjoyed it a ton and can’t wait to get out on the trails!

ps. don’t laugh I love this hat, my dad gave it to me when I was in high school! And it’s warm! 🙂


  1. I love the pictures…and I’m SO proud of you!!!

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